Feel free to contact us:
3488 4933/6841 3606
9175 1433
Feel free to contact us:

Choosing the patterns most favored by and unique to the deceased to bid a warm farewell.
(The standard price does not include the coffin handle shown in the picture.
If you would like to include the handle, please contact us.)

Choosing the patterns most favored by and unique to the deceased to bid a warm farewell.
(The standard price does not include the coffin handle shown in the picture.
If you would like to include the handle, please contact us.)

Sweet-Blossoms 典雅百合
Sweet-Blossoms 典雅百合

Almond Blossoms 杏花盛開
Almond Blossoms 杏花盛開

Stately Tree 雲樹之思
Stately Tree 雲樹之思

Serene Blossoms 梅花樹下
Serene Blossoms 梅花樹下

Tranquil-Lake 寧靜湖水
Tranquil-Lake 寧靜湖水

Ancient-Times 山水悠悠
Ancient-Times 山水悠悠

Oriental–Gold 黃金歲月
Oriental–Gold 黃金歲月

Peaceful–om 靜心水蓮
Peaceful–om 靜心水蓮