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9175 1433
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When your health deteriorates past the point of return, it is an indication that life may be coming to an end. You may lose the ability to make decisions for yourself or communicate decisions to others. What kind of treatment do you hope to get, when the body is not responsive to treatments meant to cure the disease, and treatment to sustain life can only delay the timing of eventual death? By signing an advance directive, you can indicate in advance the method of treatment you want to receive, to retain your autonomy as a patient. In later stages, even if you are unconscious and cannot make your own decisions, your family and doctors will be able to follow your wishes. This can help you to protect your dignity and minimize your pain. Further, this can help relieve your loved ones of the burden of making difficult decisions.

Forget Thee Not offers telephone enquiry services and also holds seminars to introduce the use of advance directives. Professional registered doctors are available to assist as witnesses.
